The British Film Industry
Factsheet #132: British Film 1) Write a one-sentence definition of what makes a film British. A film set in Britain, made by British crew or represents British views and culture . 2) What is the difference between a Hollywood production context and production context of a British film? Hollywood produce movies with an extremally high budget and rely on the cast on crew. British films are made with much lower budgets and rely on the word of mouth to promote their films. 3) When did the James Bond franchise start? The James Bond franchise started in 1962 with Dr. No. 4) In terms of film censorship and graphic content, what began to change in British film in the 1970s and 1980s? Film censorship and classification regulation had started due to the sexual content and filmmaking was becoming easily accessible (video nasty's) which produced extreme content . 5) What groups are often represented in British film? Give examples of films these groups feature in. Yout...