Editing: Analytical task

 COOL RUNNINGS | Training Montage [ Rise Above It ] - YouTube

This clip is a montage sequence from 'Cool Runnings' showing the team training for their bobsled tournament. Starts off with a straight cut shot from John Candy's face to the bobsled team, which occurs twice. The team's heads just fit into the frame, making the opening seem intimidating.  It then has another straight cut to a scene with the setting of an ice cold river and  a bridge. The use of this setting shows the harsh settings the teams are practicing in to build up their strength and to also get used to the icy conditions. The camera has a tilt and pan shot, following the group running, and also taking the audience on their journey. It then has another straight cut, bringing us closer to the group, in a match-on action shot. An eyeline match shot is shown. We go to another straight cut from the cold setting to the bobsled stadium and then another straight cut to the gym. We then see a range of jump cuts as we are forced to notice that there is a change of characters every time the weight is lifted up the second time round, with eyeline matches. We see another straight cut to the ice rink, which has another jump cut to focus on Sanka being dragged. Also the use of the cut to another view shows the team in the spotlight, perhaps showing that their nation is depending on them. This is followed by a range of jump cuts to show the different team members doing lift-ups. When the clip changes to this we see Derice's hand suddenly jumping towards the bar, and at the same time the music hits a loud whistling note, causing our attention to change. We then have a jump cut, suddenly changing our focus back to the ice rink. A straight cut is used to show John Candy motivating the group. A jump cut is followed to show the hands reaching the floor, showing us that they are training. The camera then has another straight cut showing the team practicing, followed by a jump cut to focus that the rink is empty and that they are alone. Another jump cut is used to change the setting back to the lift-ups. With the jump-cuts of the different characters reoccurring. We have a jump cut to shift the focus on John Candy lifting Sanka up connoting how he is the weakest of the team. We have another straight cut back to the ice cold, river setting, showing the team training.  This changes to a jump cut to them practicing in the bobsled in the stadium, with a jump cut to John Candy's face, followed by a straight cut to the bobsled. This is a eyeline match as we can see what he is looking at. This is followed by a bunch of straight cuts showing the different settings. This could connote in how the team has progressed over time. We have a dissolve ending the clip, depicting the bobsled stadium and the full track. This could perhaps connote how this is the next destination for the team, how time has passed and how far they have come to achieve their goal. The pace of the clip picks up, connoting the progression of the team. The fast paced editing of this clip builds up excitement and a sense of motivation. It also shows, in some places, how the team has bonded with the coach overtime. There is repetitive use of cutting to John Candy with him looking at a stopwatch then making a remark. The use of not showing what the time is causes a feeling of suspense for the audience as they want to know how long they are taking. The use of all the abrupt jumps and straight cuts show how the group are developing over time and also deletes other aspects of their lives, by not showing it, which connotes how dedicated they are to perform in this tournament to the best of their ability. 


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