Media Magazine - A Postmodern Reimagining of the Past 1) What were the classic media representations of the Cold War? The West was is classically represented as full of pop-culture and unlimited resources to citizens allowing them to have freedom however in the East as giving limited resources and entertainment to their citizens and being strict and restrictive. 2) Why does Deutschland 83 provide a particularly good example for postmodern analysis? Deutschland 83 uses a range of historical styles and a mix of artistic styles, playfully using intertextuality, the blending of fiction with non-fiction and genre hybridity . 3) Pick out some of the aspects of the opening of episode 1 and explain why they are significant. Ronald Reagans 'Evil Empire' speech - important as it uses intertextual footage. Interrogation of two young men by Martin and his colleague as they have Shakespeare plays which they bought over the black market. Martin takes...
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