Music Video introduction

1) What is the purpose of a music video?

To sell the products (the song) but also promotes things like which album the song is in, if the song is part if a film, merchandise such as shirts, an upcoming tour of the artist. It allows the audience to access the product through its promotion.

2) How has the digital age changed the production and distribution of music videos?

music videos and songs are easily accessible and available all the time. This is problematic for the music industry as audiences are less likely to buy the actual copy of the song as they can listen to it for free.

3) Which three major record labels are behind VEVO? What is VEVO and why was it created?

Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group and Abu Dhabi Media (along with content licensed by EMI). Vevo
is a video hosting site specifically for music. It was created so YouTube and google can get a share of the revenue made from advertising.

4) What are the key conventions of a music video?

  • Movement - complements the rhythm of the song. Can be done by either physically moving the camera or having performers in the video who are moving. Rapid editing also helps this movement.
  • Narrative - could relate to the songs lyrics to show what is happening.
  • Featuring the band/artist - promotes them. They are usually lip-syncing the song or if it is a band then also playing a range of instruments. They could be acting, performing or a mix of both.
  • Intertextuality - Making references to big movies or even well known movies. Provides audience pleasures. 

5) How can narrative be used in music video? Give an example of a music video that uses a narrative.

Don't you want me - The Human League - The Human League - Don't You Want Me (Official Music Video) - YouTube

The actors/artists in the music video communicate to each other through lyrics and music. They talk about how they have met and changed each others lives and where it has led to them now, with an underlying love story which seems both reciprocated and unrequited. The artists question each other seeming to be in a state of disequilibrium (Todorov) and both presented as the damsel in distress (Props character types). This also brings up enigma codes (Barthes) as to whether they love each other or not.

6) What examples are provided in the factsheet for intertextuality in music videos?

The music video for My Chemical Romance's Teenagers features 'alternative' cheerleaders which is
reminiscent of the cheerleaders in the video for "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. 

7) Why do audiences enjoy intertextual references in media products?

It could provide
nostalgia and also allows producers to easily get a narrative to the audience weekly, so it it easier for audiences to understand the product due to the reference.

8) Read the music video example analysis on page 3 of the factsheet. Select a music video of your own choice for each of the following headings and explain how each one links to the heading:

  • Conventions (movement/narrative/artist) - Slow paced editing as it matches the song with slow motion parts. The narrative is set in a time of disequilibrium (Todorov) where the artist has had a break up, where they are seen as the damsel in distress (Props character types) in need of help. 
  • Intertextuality - Setting looks like a classic Hollywood studio set, a love story from the 50's, especially with the monochrome tint. 
  • Representation - Representation of masculinity has changed over time and this music video shows this. Subverts hypermasculinity and shows the feminism side of men (gender fluidity) as the man is speaking out about his relationship which has made him weak and inferior. 
  • Audience - Target audience would be teenagers, mainly girls as it is a boy band. But also boys as they would idolise. Heterosexual girls would also like the video.
9) Watch the video for Ice Cube's It Was A Good Day (1993). How did this video set the conventions for later hip-hop music videos?
  • The low riding cars that bounce.
  • Setting the video in the Hoods - this was done to show how the artists were proud to grow up and come from that area.
  • The use of showing basketball which is a common and well liked sport in those region.
  • the culture of gangs staying in groups, with guns and drugs, they are also wearing baggy clothing.
10) How important do you think music videos are in the marketing and promotion of music artists today? Are music videos still essential to a band or artist's success? You need to form your own opinion here.

In my opinion, I think that it is important for artists to promote and market their music through videos as it allows them to expand for a wider target audiences as their videos can circulate around the media. It also provides audience pleasures which keeps and maintain a loyal audience.


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