Film Industry: Assessment learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

  • Total = 13 = B
  • WWW - Q3 is very strong: clear knowledge of the CSP shown in an extended top-level response.
  • EBI - Q1+2 is what slightly holds you back here. In Q1 you've almost gone too detailed in your explanation and missed the crucial bit: providing content guidance that audiences trusts and that reflect public opinion/expectations.
  • LR see blog

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the number of marks you achieved for the three questions: _/3; _/6; _/9. If you didn't achieve full marks in a question, write a bullet point on what you may have missed.

  • Q1 - 2/3 - regulated to protect young people from content that may be considered harmful such as violence, sex/nudity, bad language and matters of taste/decency.
  • Q2 - 4/6 - trailer/film poster - emphasises music of Springsteen and also Gurinder Chadha's past successes, which attracts existing fans of both. Social media creates word of mouth, which reaches out to younger audiences.
  • Q3 - 7/9 - new technology is opening new ways to distribute films and so Blinded By The Light has an extended slot on Amazon Prime which will bring some of the money that they lost, but it is till an example of how the cultural industries is still a "risky business".

3) For Question 2 on the promotion of Blinded By The Light, use the mark scheme to identify at least one strategy used to promote the film that you didn't mention in your answer and why it was used. The key lesson from this question was to make specific reference to the CSP in your answer and ensure each explanation was different.

  • They had premieres in London, Luton and Asbury Park (which was attended by Bruce Springsteen) - this was used as it generates a lot of attention from the media and increases awareness of the film, especially when Springsteen attended one of these, this attracts more media coverage and also fans of Springsteen to watch the film (creates a larger audience/fanbase).

4) Now look at Question 3 - focusing on Hesmondhalgh's point that making media products is a 'risky business'. Write three bullet points from the mark scheme that you could have added to your answer. Try and include a specific reference to the CSP where you can and ensure you understand the key contexts to Hesmondhalgh's quote. Additional reference to Hesmondhalgh's ideas would help here too - you may want to look back at our work on Hesmondhalgh and the Cultural Industries.

  • New technology is opening new ways to distribute films and so Blinded By The Light has an extended slot on Amazon Prime which will bring some of the money that  they lost, but it is till an example of how the cultural industries is still a "risky business"
  • Blinded By The Light generated great excitement and the Sundance film festival, resulting in an all night auction, that sew New Line Cinema pay $15 million to distribute the film.
  • Blinded By The Light received a huge, global marketing campaign to try to turn the film into the next Bend It Like Beckham global hit, which could have easily cost more than the $15 million budget.


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