TV assessment learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

Total = 23 = B

WWW - Q2 is hugely impressive: very close to top-level. Excellent knowledge of the CSP's and engagement with the question. Now the challenge is to match that level throughout a paper!

EBI - Q1 holds you back a little - revise the postmodernism terminology (this was a tough question)

  - In Q2, try and explore the other side of the debate/ideological positioning if you can.

LR - see blog

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment (even if you got full marks for the question).

  • Pastiche - when products imitates the style of another media work. Although the Kingsman poster is a parody of comedy, the poster suggests that is is serious. In parody, the audience are likely to expect a tagline that confirms the comic nature of the film. The only text shown is "From the director of X-Men: First Class" which suggests they are trying to target fans from more serious and superhero fanbases.

  • Capital - the programme can be described as a state-of-the-nation drama, so deals with current issues and problems related to ideological positioning. Institutions of state are also presented negatively, evident from the narrative detention and asylum, where alignment with the characters creates an ideological positioning.
  • Deutschland 83 - postmodernism visual aesthetic which draws on pastiche, use of exaggerated popular culture references and stylised mise-en-scene undermine the claims to realism and ideological reading.

3) The first question demanded a response using postmodern terminology. Write a definition here of the three main terms:

Bricolage: The juxtaposing of old and new texts.
Pastiche: An artistic work style that imitatates thje work style of another period, art style or work.
Intertextuality: When one media product references another media product.

4) Read this exemplar answer for the 25-mark question in the assessment. Select a quote from the essay for each of the following aspects from the mark scheme:

a) analysis of the products that focuses on contexts and ideological positioning
  • "Capital is a state-of-the-nation drama and this genre immediately gives it an urgency and realism that reflect the political and cultural contexts of its setting."
  • "In Deutschland 83 (D83), the historical drama / spy thriller genre inevitably constructs an ideological position in their representation of contexts. "
    b) use of media theory
  • "Applying Gramsci’s theory of hegemony, this is unconsciously communicating to audiences the value in working hard, earning money and contributing to consumerism and capitalism - maintaining the status quo and reinforcing more rightwing ideology." 

    c) a judgement or conclusion on the question
  • "it is impossible to ignore the ideological positions constructed by television dramas and Capital and  D83 are no exception to this. However, it could be argued that different audiences can read these fictional genres in different ways depending on their own perspectives."

    d) examples from the TV CSPs
    • "plus the negative portrayal of the upper-middle class white Yount family - suggest leftwing ideologies"
    • "The supermarket scene in the West where Martin first sees the plentiful food, colourful fruit and policemen eating ice creams presents the West as offering a much higher standard of living than the East and therefore reinforcing the dominant capitalist ideology we see across so much of western media."
    e) use of media terminology 
    • "even Roger is portrayed in an ‘under-the-armpit’ camera shot"
    • "Similarly, in the spy training montage split-screen editing and visual effects are used to present the difference between East and West"
    • "being unconsciously reinforced through the construction of the narrative and key elements of mise-en-scene."
    5) Based on this assessment, write three things you need to revise before the upcoming end of Year 12 exams.

    • Postmodernism theory
    • Ideologies and how they can be applied and linked to the media text
    • Key scenes and quotes from both Capital and Deutschland 83


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