Coursework: Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full including the ratings out of five for each of the categories. 

  • Research (through presentation AND blog) - 5
  • TV drama concept (crime genre) - 4
  • Language: terminology and theory - 4 
  • Representations - 4
  • Audience and Industry - 4
  • Delivery - 4
  • Total out of 30 - 25

  • Classic crime narrative - straight into presentation works well. Lack of title/tagline - interesting but I wonder if this would help when writing script?
  • Narrative feels quite difficult to film cast - do you have actors/locations/costumes in mind?
  • Good focus on elements of media language. Plan also links to crime genre conventions perfectly.
  • Timing of presentation not quite perfect in place but loads of excellent content with good use of media language. Great to see representation theory in there and I really like your points on race + subverting stereotypes.  
  • Good focus on audience too -media key concepts are addressed impressively.
  • Excellent industrial context - totally agree on Netflix and target audience.
  • Brilliant to see print magazine elements and digital convergence - really impressive coverage of media elements.
  • Strong, confident delivery. Some slides had excellent images, others, were a little plain/text based but delivery made up for these.
  • Q+A - good question on main character, confident answer, clearly well thought out concept. 
  • Q on setting is good and reveals a few details of mise-en-scene that will need developing. Confident answers to questions throughout - really impressive. 

2) Use this feedback, comments from peers and your own reflection on your presentation to self-assess and write your own detailed WWW and EBI for your coursework concept and presentation as a whole.

WWW: Mise-en-scene, theories and good use of media terminology

EBI: Timing issues with slides

3) Write a paragraph discussing how your presentation will lead into your actual coursework production. Do you need to update your statement of intent? Does your concept offer enough clarity? Is it appropriate for the audience specified in the brief? Is it achievable to film with the resources you have available? Can you add media terminology or theory to your statement of intent now you have reflected on your presentation and seen others? 

I think my statement of intent is good and covers what I am planning on producing. The plan for the production is appropriate for the audience as the brief specifies for a rating of 12A, so I am using minimal violence and graphical content. Also I am aiming it to older teens and early 20's so the narrative and the way I will construct the mise-en-scene will fit that target audience. The resources I have available are helpful and will help me achieve what I am planning to make. I need to make sure the casting is specific and fits the characters realistically with their age. In my statement of intent I have included the theories I am planning to cover and will fit this in my final product for the social and cultural context.


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